Proje hazırlığı:

Müsvedde`nin alanında 19. ve 20. Şubat 2004`de Münih`de proje hazırlıkları için ilk buluşmamız yapılmıştı. Gelenler arasında İngiltere, Bulgaristan, Yunanistan`dan ortaklar ve Münih Üniversitesi Kültürlerarası İletişim Enstitüsü`nden temsilciler. Ayrıca Yunanistan`dan, Georgia Stavridou – Bausewein`dan gelen sonraki asistanlar ve doçentlerin de ilk deneme süreci için katıldığı ve proje-izleme ve değerlendirilmesinden sorumlu Anja Edelhäuser da bu toplantıya katılmıştır. 


İlk İş Toplantısı:

Bavyera`daki Halk Eğitimi Merkezleri Birliği’nde 26.-27. Ocak 2005 tarihinde Münih’te ilk iş toplantımız gerçekleşmişti. Toplantının ana konusu Bulgaristan, Yunanistan, İngiltere, Almanya ve Türkiye`deki okul sistemlerinin ve öğretim elemanlarının eğitimleri anlatıldı ve kültürlerarası eğitime ihtiyaç duyup duymadıkları her bir ülkenin etnik yapısı açıcından değerlendirildi. Bu konu tartışıldıktan sonra Münih Üniversitesi Kültürlerarası İletişim Enstitüsü`nün taslağı sunuldu.

İkinci İş toplantısı:

07.-09. Nisan 2005 tarihlerinde Selanik Aristoteles Üniversitesi Felsefe Fakültesi`nde ikinci is toplantımız gerçeklemiştir.
Yunan ilkokul öğretmenleri ile bir deneme dersi yapıldı ve böylece kültürlerarası iletişimi sağlayıp sağlayamadıkları ölçüldü. Bu toplantının en önemli konuları: kültürel filtre, kültürlerarası münasebetin teknikleri, kültür expolarasyonu, ilkokul öğretim alanı için her ortak ülke çapında kültür grameri ve ülkelere göre kültür olarak uyum sağlayan öğretim denemeleri. 

Üçüncü İş Toplantısı:

06.-11 Eylül 2005 tarihinde Bristol Batı İngiltere Üniversitesi Dil ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi`nde üçüncü toplantımız gerçekleşmiştir. Proje ortakları el kılavuzun tasarımını görüştüler ve eksiklerini tamamlayıp vedalaştılar. Ayrıca yardim kılavuzun içeriği ve ulusal versiyonlar da konuşuldu. Bunun dışında proje ortakları proje sonuçlarının dağıtımı hakkında tartıştılar.

Fourth working meeting:

The forth working meeting was held on 23–28 March 2006 in Sofia, on the premises of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” University. Its main objective was to discuss both project products, namely the handbook (to be published in German) and the exercise brochures (to be published in the languages of the partner countries). Both texts were presented to the partners in their newest versions, they had to be compared and finalized. Special attention was paid to the translations of the brochure texts (the original version been in German): the process of translation had already revealed that the change of cultural contexts required distinctive changes in the language.

The partners were shown the two designs of the book covers, that had been drawn by a Bulgarian graphic designer. The final design was chosen. The partners discussed possibilities for the effective multiplication of the handbook and the brochures in their respective professional environments and planned concrete actions.

Another important objective was the discussion and planning of the international student seminar in Ankara that was to be conducted only few days after the Sofia meeting. The partners had the chance to aquaint themselves with some of the central features of the country (Bulgaria) and the region as a whole (South Eastern Europe). The discussions focused on the specific traditional forms of multiculturalism in the area.

International Student Seminar Ankara

The international student seminar took place April 3–9 2006 in Ankara. It was hosted by the Faculty of Education of Ankara University: the Dean of the Faculty belonged to the partner team and was very helpful in providing rooms and strategic assistance throughout the whole stay. 20 students from all five partner institutions participated: each partner had sent a group of four students. With the only exception of the German students (who were students of Intercultural Communication) all students majored in educational sciences at their respective universities. The seminar lasted for one week.

The seminar was facilitated by a German and a Greek project partner (Roth/Kesidou). In the first part, emphasis was put on group dynamic work. The goal was to bridge the given cultural diversity of the group and ensure productive joint work across cultural boundaries. The work included methods from the project's brochure that were thus tested for their effectiveness. The ensuing work was based even more on the project products; the contents of the handbook served as a guideline for teaching. The students worked on the central chapters (on culture, communication, stereotypes and perception) of the handbook and discussed them before the background of their future work as teachers. This was another chance for a pilot run of the main project product.

The feedback of the students was extremely positive. They organized themselves in a network and decided to keep contact in the future, both for their professional and private benefit. 

Design und Realisierung | | Kanter Media Deutschland